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The Inns of Court College of Advocacy (ICCA)

Delivering exceptional training to the practising Bar, to pupils and to future barristers

The ICCA is the education and training division of The Council of the Inns of Court (COIC). As a not-for-profit organisation, we provide education, guidance and coordination in relation to the pursuit of academic and professional excellence for the Bar.

Our three areas of focus are:

  1. To promote the highest standards of advocacy and professional ethics;
  2. To provide high-quality CPD, education and training materials to practising barristers at all levels of seniority, to pupils and to other legal professionals, nationally, pan-profession and on an international scale;
  3. To train the barristers of the future on the ICCA Bar Course, a Bar Vocational Training Course funded by the Inns of Court. The ICCA is a BSB Authorised Education and Training Organisation (AETO) and the ICCA Bar Course is validated by King’s College London.

To achieve our objectives, the ICCA engages with barristers, the Judiciary and others drawn from the Inns, the Circuits, the Bar Council, Specialist Bar Associations, and other representative organisations.

The ICCA is comprised of experienced barristers and academics, together with a professional operations team, based at 33 Chancery Lane, London.

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