Continued Success for ICCA Students

ICCA continues to lead the way in the BSB centrally set assessments

Congratulations to all ICCA students for leading the way in the BSB centrally set assessments.

In the most recent Central Examinations Board Chair’s report dated 6 July 2023, which covers all sittings from December 2020 to April 2023, the Inns of Court College of Advocacy continues to set the standard for Bar Students across all providers of Bar Vocational Training:

“The ICCA has the highest average passing rate across both Litigation subjects and all sittings to date at 91.7% … The ICCA is, thus far, some way ahead of the other AETO centres in terms of cohort performance.”
(CEB Chair’s report, 6 July 2023, p.46)


We would like to take this opportunity to thank ICCA students and staff for their continued hard work and to congratulate them on producing such exceptional results.

With a pupillage success rate of 97% for our 2021 cohort, with a fair admissions policy that contributes to a diverse entry into the profession, and with a Bar Course designed to be directly relevant to practice, the ICCA Bar Course continues to grow from strength to strength.

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