More exceptional results for ICCA Bar Course Students

Congratulations to our prizewinners

We would like to extend our congratulations to all students who passed their Part One centrally set assessments (taken in April 2024) and those who recently successfully completed Part Two of the ICCA Bar Course. Special mention should go to our many prize winners for their exceptional academic achievement. You can see all prizewinners below and on our Academic Awards and Prizes page.

Part Two, March 2024 cohort – final assessments (July 2024)

Derek Wood CBE KC Award for best overall performance

Leo Kirby

Lincoln House Chambers Criminal Advocacy Prize
(best combined examination-in-chief and cross-examination result)

Georgina Lane

Red Lion Chambers Conference Prize

Samuel Grimley

Leo Kirby

Oliver Stapel

Exchange Chambers Opinion Writing Prize

Naomi Kilcoyne

No.5 Chambers Professional Ethics Prize

Rachel Hughes

Falcon Chambers Civil Advocacy Prize

Leo Kirby

Guidhall Chambers Bristol Drafting Prize

Amelia Marshall

Part One, April 2024 BSB Assessments

23 Essex Street, Michael Hill QC Memorial Prize (First place in Criminal Litigation)

Patrick Walshe McBride

Second Place in Criminal Litigation

William Moppett

Third Place in Criminal Litigation

James Collier

Martha Glynn

Maitland Chambers Civil Litigation Prize (First place in Civil Litigation)

Patrick Walshe McBride

Second Place in Civil Litigation

James Collier

Third Place in Civil Litigation

William Moppett