Outstanding Results published for ICCA Bar Course Students

Latest BSB Report reveals that ICCA students continue to excel in assessments

The report of the Chair of the BSB Central Examination Board dated 7 November 2022 reveals that ICCA Bar Course students continue to produce exceptional results.

Professor Mike Molan reported that, “The ICCA has the highest average passing rate across both litigation subjects and all sittings to date at 93.6% … The ICCA is, thus far, some way ahead of the other AETO centres in terms of cohort performance.” At page 35 Professor Molan adds, “… ICCA remains as the most successful AETO in terms of the percentage of candidates entering for a centralised assessment securing a pass, almost 30% ahead of the second placed AETO …” For the August sittings of the centrally set assessments in both criminal litigation and civil litigation/ADR, the BSB reported a pass rate for ICCA students of 100%.   Read the full report here (in particular pages 31-35 (paras 5-3 to 5.5).

We are delighted by the dedication of our students and staff in continuing to improve the outcomes for students on Bar training courses.

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